WoodBridge Toilet Reviews 2021

WoodBridge bath is a company that makes a wide range of bathroom hardware. These toilets and bidets have a variety of useful features that will add convenience to your home. Below are some examples of their products that we have analyzed. We also looked into their specifications.


Dual flush technology is available on the T-0001, which allows users to conserve water. Due to the smaller water consumption, this is an increasingly popular way to remove waste. You don’t have to flush all liquids. Instead, you can use the partial flush. It is much more efficient. The 1.0 GPF flow rate actually works better than most low flow options.

The bowl is also higher than the standard dimensions. This is actually a universal height. It adds the necessary inches to the bowl, so disabled users can sit comfortably with less strain on their bodies.

There is no need to worry about additional costs for a seat. The T-0001 comes with a seat. This style of seat has the advantage that it can close slowly. It is impossible to close it quickly if you try.


If you have a larger budget, the T-0737 is something to consider. This toilet will be more expensive than your average one due to its technological advances.

The one-piece design hides the trapway. It actually has skirting around all edges, which gives it a stylish, seamless look that looks great.

Similar to the T0001, it uses a siphon action, 1.0/1.

To flush out waste, you can use 6 GPF. It is extremely efficient and consumes only 1.28 GPF.

We think the bidet is its most striking feature. This modern approach to bathroom hygiene allows people to use water jets to clean themselves. You can adjust the water temperature to make you feel at ease.

The nozzle that shoots out the jets cleans itself. You also have the option to adjust the water pressure.

And What Else?

Bowl shape. As a rule of thumb, bowls that are longer than a standard size should be used for support and comfort. For saving space, round-shaped bowls work better.

What amount of water does it use? A low-flow product is best for people who care about the environment. How can you determine the volume of water used? It is usually listed in the specifications. It will typically be in numbers with decimal places, followed by GPF. This stands for gallons per toilet. WaterSense labels are attached to the most efficient units, which use less than 6 Liters. You can save water over the years and it will make a significant difference in how much you pay for utility bills. Saving money is always a good thing.