Are you looking for the right toilet for you? We’ve compiled a list that fits a 14 inch rough-in, but also offers a lot of features, including decent flushing technology and water efficiency. All this while keeping the price in mind.

Kohler K-3947-0 Wellworth

This exterior design is classic in white, but also has similar products in biscuit, sandbar and almond. The choice of color is up to your personal preferences. However, prices can vary between colors. You can expect to save space with a round bowl measuring 74cm by 74cm sby 46cm.

The Wellworthrange of Kohler also has the K-3947-0. You can learn a lot from a little research on the consumer feedback about this product range. You will find both positive and negative reviews and comments, with the majority of the feedback being positive.

This unit’s strongest selling point is its class five bulk flushing performance. It flushes 6 Liters and still makes it a powerful flush.

Users receive a limited warranty of one year with the included warranty policy.

Sterling 402078-0 Windham

Next on the list is #402078-0, a Sterling toilet brand product. The unit has a rounded front that allows for more space and makes it suitable for small bathrooms. The dimensions of the unit are 74 cm by 43 cm by 73 cm.

It is available in a white color with a glossy finish. This complements the siphonic flush that helps it eliminate as much of its waste and bacteria as possible.

It is slightly larger than the average surface area for the water at its bottom, measuring at nice by 8 inches. This will help to keep odors down.

The design is quite ordinary. In fact, it’s a little bland. It works well as a toilet for your home.

You will have to buy a lid and seat separately, as they are not included in the package. This is something to be aware of.

Kohler K-3949-0 Highline

This brand is again being mentioned. Customers who have reviewed this product on multiple online sources have found it to be quite well-received.

There are many reasons why this is so, and we have included some of the best features in the specification list.

This option is comfort-height, meaning it’s designed in the same way as a chair. People of all abilities and ages will appreciate the extra height it provides in comparison to standard options. Senior citizens and people who find sitting or standing difficult are the most likely to benefit.

It provides class five bulk flush performance, and when combined with the flush of six Liters, you can have a cleaner bathroom by using less water. This is a win-win situation.

You can still expect to pay slightly more for all of these features than the average price.