People prefer to live in peace and without stress, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. A growing number of people are looking for remote living options or even off the grid. People also want to spend more time on vacation. It is all understandable. Because they are compact and portable, composting toilets make it easy to manage waste.

Below we take a look at the most popular dry flush toilets as well as several alternatives to help you find the right option for you.

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It is easy to see that you have many options when it comes to what they can do, how they are priced, and the features available. Based on feedback from consumers, we selected the most popular models online and highlighted their key specs.

This will allow you to find a suitable match, whether it’s for camping or an outhouse.

Thetford 92360550E Curve

You may have seen our article on portable toilets. This is a great option for people with limited resources.

It is simple and elegant, but it has a nice curve at its front that makes it stand out from the rest.

The tank’s water and waste levels are also indicated to the user so that overflowing can be avoided. The tank has an easy-to-handle handle, which makes it easy and efficient to dispose of. The tank can hold quite a lot. It can hold approximately 18 Liters of freshwater and 25 Liters waste water. This is quite impressive. This is not a good size as it will make disposal more difficult.

The seat height is not too low and it has an integrated toilet paper holder, which makes it ideal for enclosed spaces like RVs or tents.

These dimensions are 45 cm by 39 cm by 45 cm. This is a great example of a loo that offers a compact solution to your living space.

This product is usually considered to be the lowest priced, but it does the job for many purposes.

Natures Head NH–SPH Self Contained Waterless Toilet

This brand also offers a compact composting toilet that is lightweight and can limit odors. This composting toilet is ideal for small spaces and areas that are not connected to the grid.

The fan in the unit recycles air, helping to keep odors at a minimum. This can sometimes cause complaints for people who use other models.

According to the manufacturer, because its origins lie in maritime use, it is built to last with durable materials such as stainless steel. This material, however, is easy to clean.

This option is slightly larger than the one above, with dimensions of 56 cm by 52 cm by 55 cm.

However, the professional build and additional specifications will make the price a little more costly than the rest. Perhaps it is a question of value over durability.


It has a nice exterior that keeps it minimalistic, which is important considering the small size of these bio-toilets. You will be able to rest assured knowing that it has a white finish.

The unit does not use water and is good for the environment. This is something that many shoppers overlook. This is a testament to the evolution of bathroom accessories throughout time.

This product has the great advantage of converting human waste into soil that can be used for fertilization. This brings us back to the previous point about how the environment can be improved. It does all this without any odor.

Although it is quite expensive, there are some quality features within.