Fairfield Review Of American Standard 2862.056.020

This toilet bowl is elongated and has a modern exterior. It’s quickly becoming a favorite from the brand. This toilet bowl is a great choice for small to medium bathrooms. It’s also very space-saving and offers many options that can be used to make your visit to the lavatory more enjoyable.

The Good

It’s not hard to see why AS is rated so highly in the industry. They constantly create new products to keep up with the competition and to bring in innovative designs to make daily usage easier for me and you.

The exterior design is far more modern than its predecessors. This could be due to the fact that the toilet is a single piece and the unique shape of the trapway and tank. If you are looking for a minimalist feel, this is the right match. It brings out the best and complements the other bathroom features.

A toilet seat that matches the tank and bowl theme is included. This is a great way to stay on theme. It is important to keep in mind that not all products include a seat. This will allow you to save money and time.

The siphon action bowl is long and will work with the slick surface to reduce micro bacteria, odors and germs in every flush. It will still need to be cleaned as with all units. It can also be expected to flush at a respectable low flow rate, using just 1.28 GPF. This is amazing.

All features being considered, it can be said that the seat is a good value for money. You will get the best bang for your buck by including the seat. We don’t think it is a low-budget model.

You can find many positive reviews on the internet, which point to its positives more than its negatives. This is a good sign and can be used to further research other customers opinions.

The Bad

You might have to limit the states where you can buy it.

Some customers have complained that the device operates very loudly, which can be quite annoying. This seems to be a minor issue in the overall scheme of things. The positive reviews far outweigh any negatives we have seen.

This model is not suitable for people who want to spend as little as possible. We recommend looking for a model with a lower price. Consider that the less expensive models will likely have fewer features and may require a new seat.