Corner toilets are best for small bathrooms, where the space is limited. For tight fitting, they are usually equipped with a triangular tank. These products are compact and offer a limited selection. We have chosen a few that we think you might be interested in, along with highlighting their main features. These are just a few reasons why high quality toilets stand apart.

American Standard 270AD001.020 Cadet 3

The image clearly shows the design features of the 270AD001.020. It will fit well, and, perhaps more importantly, it has a standard 30 cm rough-in.

The bowl is longer for more leg room.

This product comes with an Ever Clean surface, which is included in many brands’ products. It will help to prevent germs from building up and make cleaning easy. Despite the fact that the flush system only requires one to eight gallons of water, this is still a great deal.

Its avitreous China construction measures 80 cm by 86 cm by 49 cm.

This package does not include a seat. You can either keep your current one or buy a new one. There are some great features that can be used at home.

American Standard 216AD004.020

This model is part of the AS Cadet range. This model is well-suited for small bathrooms that don’t have a lot of space. Compact en suites are possible. This is where the tank design can do a tremendous job. It will make sure that every corner of your room makes use of as much space as possible in order to make way for other features.

It provides a one-point six gallon flush system, and a power washed rim will work well with the china material since it will make cleaning and removing waste from the bowl much easier.

The trip level is not located at the front like traditional models. It’s on the side of the tank.

It doesn’t price itself out on the market, which is important for designs that require unique shapes or styles.

What Should You Be Looking For, Besides The Triangular Tank?

There are some things you should be aware of, besides the obvious ones. Below are some of these.

Water used Each flush consumed water at alarming rates. This is why newer models have been designed to reduce it. There are many models with different capacities, but the most popular ones tend to be between 1.6 and 6.9 Liters. This is the most eco-friendly option.

Type of bowl: Usually, you have the option to choose the shape of your bowl. It is usually a choice between elongated or rounded.

Price There are many price options to fit all budgets. We believe you can find a unit that does the job for less than €50. Anything more and you might be sacrificing value and instead opting for luxury.

Wrapping Up

These toilets are great for enclosed spaces such as cloakrooms and en suites. This tank can be placed in a corner to provide more space and mobility for the user. There are many options available that will meet your needs, including the flush style and water consumption. These two options should be considered in your research, no matter what you choose.